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In order to write a book, you have to have thoughts. Thoughts need a medium. The best way to express thoughts is to put them on paper, yes? So how can one put thoughts on paper? How can one write a book without having the ultimate daydream about being an author and living in Paris with a big white beard and a bistro that serves incredible baked goods? Here are some helpful tips for writing your first novel without breaking the bank or coming across as pretentious. 1) Pick up an inexpensive laptop from your local Best Buy or Target. Because it's a laptop, not a desktop or a netbook, you won't have to worry that the thing will be too heavy for your lap. 2) Buy some paper from your local Office Depot or Staples and make sure it has 30% recycled content. If you don't want to deal with the hassle of purchasing and stapling the pages together yourself, you can ask around for recommendations on where to go online and buy your pre-bound book without all of the hassle. 3) Put on some headphones (if you can tolerate having music blaring in your ears). It makes it easier to write without distractions such as copious amounts of chatter from friends, coworkers, family members and total strangers. 4) Find a comfortable seated position and keep the laptop on the table. Try to keep your fingers as still as possible and avoid touching or moving the laptop while typing. 5) Keep your eyes on the words as you type, not on your fingers as you type. If you make a mistake, leave out an "S" instead of an "M", or move a word around, you can go back and fix it later. Don't make any major changes though; those require redrawing or retyping. 6) Don't be afraid to play with how things look on paper before sending it off to be published. 7) Try to stay away from the "cut" function on your computer, though. That is for deleting exceptionally bad words. Like "Butterscotch" or "sadly". It's easy to delete the really bad words, especially if you have a very high-quality printer that can do heavy duty printing, but trying to replace them with something more appropriate is not fun. 8) Keep track of all of the changes you make throughout your book. Even if you did not type it yourself, it's still yours. If you happen to make edits after sending it off for publication, make sure that they are noted in your copy. This will help you to avoid any future disputes with other authors. 9) You don't have to upload every single change you make. If there are only two or three changes, someone might feel like they are not worth mentioning. But if you make 20,000 edits in your draft, you might be surprised at how much people will get to know about your book. And if the book becomes a best seller, people will start writing all sorts of reviews about it. 10) Use spellcheck and grammar check before sending anything off for publication. It's really easy to turn "de" into "destination" by accident (and yes, that's an actual typo that happens often enough that word checkers care). cfa1e77820

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